What's Beyond Mindfulness?
If mindfulness is the gateway to the awakened life, What’s Beyond Mindfulness describes the garden that lies beyond: a magical, rich and fulfilled way of living that comes when we live according to Buddhist practice and principles.
This book includes and goes way beyond Mindfulness, revealing exactly how radical, exciting and life-changing the full spectrum of Buddhist teachings such as compassion, joy, ease, and liberation can be.
What’s Beyond Mindfulness is a uniquely practical and accessible exploration of Buddhism in everyday life that will appeal to people of any faith and to those of none

This is a ground-breaking book, which for the first time offers the key Buddhist teachings of The Five Powers (Bala in the Pali language): Trust, Energy, Mindfulness, Calm and Wisdom. These are the basic inner resources, highly developed, sublime and yet very practical, which can transform our lives towards meaning and fulfilment. They are also the capacities we can develop to help us cope with the great challenges, uncertainties and conflicts we face today.
The book has 75 stunning illustrations. This first edition will soon be out of print but will be continuously available as a Kindle and Audiobook. We are in process of preparing a revised, retitled edition - The Power to Change - which will emphasise the importance of The Five Powers as sources of resilience during difficult times.
The Five Powers
The Five Powers
The Five Powers

The Five Powers
What's Beyond Mindfulness?

The Five Powers
"Erut" (Wakefulness)

"We have to lose ourselves to discover the world
Which is always waiting to welcome us home again. It may be the greatest journey we can ever make".
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אבן בינה
It is published in Hebrew by Pardes with the title אבן בינה and I am still looking for a publisher for the English edition. It is a semi-autobiographical story, offering intimate glimpses into a personal journey through states of realization. The book describes the daunting undertaking to construct a house, as if a temple, by hand, rock by rock. The peaks and troughs of success and failure, of hope, despair, confusion and realization gradually transform my state of mind and heart. On the way there are risks and dangers, including a devastating fire. But aided by a wild friend in the role of both jester and Zen master, the building is constructed and the builder deconstructed. , giving space to primal freedom. The setting is a nascent visionary and experimental ecological community living off-grid in the Galilee in the 1980’s where I still live today. This is a story of one man discovering what is possible. It shows that we have capacities way beyond what we can imagine. It tells us that we can listen to the voices of the animals and the land and shows how kindness, meaning and integrity make sense, and can work.